Seven Stages of Energetic Healing
In the course you learn who you are. Your body is a collection of organs, glands, tissues but they are made of cells and all cells are made up of molecules and all molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons all in 99.9% empty space which is held together by energy. Subatomic particles are not point like but wave like that vibrate at specific frequencies. These frequencies are energy. In reality you are energy and when that energy does not flow like a river but has blockages like dams in the river, this is the root of dysfunction and disease. In this teaching we discuss each of the seven energetic areas which are like seven energy transforming stations throughout the body. Each of these seven areas contain a high amount of energy that is produced and then distributed to the organs, glands, tissues and cells of the body. If any of these energetic areas blows a fuse or tripped a circuit breaker, it’s like the electric company having a power outage were 10,000 homes and businesses are without power. In you, those homes and businesses are the cells, tissues, glands and organs in your body and without proper electricity the houses and businesses cannot function which leads to dysfunction and disease.
These seven energetic areas consist of: