Nemec New Medicine
Nemec New Medicine is Dr. Nemec’s most powerful teaching up-to-date this is a combination of over 35 years of research of how the mind, brain and body interact in producing health and disease. In this teaching you will begin to understand how your health is controlled 90% by your conscious and subconscious mind 9% by your diet and 1% by chemicals and toxins. You will also learn the chain of command of how information is perceived and processed in the mind (not as it actually is but as it is perceived) then the mind speaks to the brain which is the relay station between the mind and the body. When the mind is out of balance it throws the brain out of balance. The brain then communicates to the autonomic nervous system predominately through the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The sympathetic branch is the accelerator and the parasympathetic branch is the brake of the organ and glands. Next the autonomic nervous system communication line goes to the hypothalamus, pituitary adrenal axis. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain the perceives the environment and then it talks to the pituitary gland which then turns on the adrenal glands to make cortisol and adrenaline. It is foundational to your health and healing to balance the mind, brain, autonomic nervous system, hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axis.